Professionally packed and fast shipping

Due to our long-term partnership with UPS, FedEx, DHL and many other leading global carriers, we can offer a variety of shipping options. Our warehouse staff is expertly trained and will wrap your goods in accordance to our precise and precise specifications. Your items will go through an exhaustive examination before they will be safely packaged prior to being sent out. Everyday we deliver hundreds of packages to our customers from all over the world. Our determination to be the largest online retailer worldwide is demonstrated by this. The warehouses are located situated in Europe as much as they are in the USA.

Please note that orders with multiple items are given a processing time according to the specific item.

We will thoroughly inspect all products before they are shipped. Most orders are now shipped within 48 hours. Delivery time ranges between 3-7 days.


Due to the multiple parties involved such as the factory and the warehouse, we’re unable to fully manage stock. The actual levels of stock can change at any moment. It’s possible that you may not receive your order once it’s been placed.

Our policy is valid for 30 days. We cannot return or exchange your purchase if it has been 30 days since the purchase.

You can only return a product when it’s unopened and is in the same condition as when you first received it. It should also remain in the original packaging.